We are getting excited about #30DaysWild!
30 Days Wild is The Wildlife Trusts’ annual nature challenge where people are tasked with undertaking daily Random Acts of Wildness throughout June.
In 2020, more than half a million people got involved, from their homes and gardens to their work locations. Everyone’s invited!
Previous years have revealed favourite acts included listening to birdsong, identifying and planting wildflowers, exercising and eating outdoors, and going on a bug hunt.

For more information go to the Wildlife Trusts website, sign up and download a FREE digital pack of goodies to inspire and track your wild month.
You may find some suggested acts such as watching a sunrise or exercising outside are already part of daily life, but taking part in 30 Days Wild is scientifically proven to make you feel happier, healthier, and more connected to nature, so give it a go and maybe add your own twist.

And don’t forget Open Farm Sunday on 12th June, visit your local open farm and ask how they deliver nature alongside their farming business.
Fair to Nature will be taking part and proposing suggestions of our own online (Twitter: @FairtoNature, Facebook: @Fairtonature). Let us know how you get on and don’t forget to tag #30DaysWild!
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